Tag Archives: youtopiabeauty

Why did I see such a big improvement when I first started a new skincare routine?

  You very well might be correct in what you are seeing. What can happen with people is their skin can reach a visible plateau where they forget what their skin looked like before they started using new products. For example, let’s say your goal is to brighten your skin and you recently started using […]

Layering your Skincare products!

Plenty of people buy lots of new products and use them at random to find that it has made no difference to their skin’s appearance. This is because slapping on skincare products in any random order is probably one of the biggest mistakes a beauty lover could make. To get the benefits of each item, […]

7 Signs Your Skin Care Routine Needs To Be Changed..

Hi guys, so its been a minute but I am back again with my skincare banter. I am talking about this because during the course of my work I have encountered a lot of these issues, and here are 7 things I can think of from the top of my head that people deal with […]


People write down New Year resolutions in a variety of categories, like health, happiness, family and so on….I feel like beauty should have its own category too. It’s my job to be beauty obsessed and I love it, but there are always areas of improvement for me, and maybe for you, too. I think there […]

We all know Sunscreen is important, but do you know why?????

Sunscreen is known to be the most common way of protecting the skin against the harmful rays of sun. There are products that combine several ingredients that help prevent the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation from reaching the skin. Two types of ultraviolet radiation UVA and UVB, damage the skin, ages it prematurely, and increases the […]

Retinol and Retin A: The big Difference and Which One Your Skin Needs!!!!

One of the most important parts of a person’s body is their skin. This is why you find loads of products in the market that actually help women maintain younger looking skin. This assists in helping us avoid any signs of aging and other skin problems like acne and pimples. However, it is necessary that […]


This is one topic that most women like to shy away from, like an elephant in the room no one wants to discuss or accept that unwanted facial hair can be a big problem. I struggled with facial hair (on my chin) and I hated it. Apparently most women have facial hair (vellus hairs), which […]





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