Welcome to Youtopia Beauty!!!!

Hello my name is Nnenna and I am a beauty addict!!! Welcome to my own little corner on the Internet! hehehehe. I enjoy talking endlessly about fabulous beauty finds & tips! I love shopping and I’m obsessed with skincare, makeup and everything girly.As a result of my addiction, I have tried many beauty products and experienced a myriad of results! Some of them great, others not so much and to be completely honest there were several disasters. The struggle to be fresh is REAL!!!! So I’ve decided to use this blog as a platform to share my experiences with other African women who are striving to be their best selves.

On Youtopia we’ll discuss fabulous beauty finds, weight loss, makeup and skin care! Yes they all seem like things that are seemingly superficial and frivolous but if we are honest, they affect the African woman’s confidence deeply. From what skin care products actually work, to getting rid of that annoying pimple that pops up on a Thursday when you have a hot date on Saturday or how to lose that extra 25lbs after you’ve had the second baby and not sure how to get rid of the flab.

I’ve been through it all! I was a chubby teenager (size 12 at 15yrs old) and the meanies in high school called me a ‘lucky albino’ because of my ginger blonde hair and what I thought was a weird skin tone at the time. (A weirdness I’ve come to love). Needless to say I spent my teenage years feeling awkward about my body, skin and hair.

Fast forward years later, just when I thought I had got the hang of my beauty regime, found a combination of products that gave me flawless skin, achieved the perfect weight and maintained hair growth and texture I was finally proud of, lets just say things went south…

3 pregnancies later, my weight, skin and hair went through several transitions! From gaining 60lbs in my first pregnancy to my hair falling out in my third and having severe acne and melasma after my second pregnancy. (I have the horrendous pictures to share with you).

My journey to reclaiming my self-confidence included several trips to my dermatologist (which didn’t prove very helpful), months of feeling depressed because I had no clue what to do, countless treatment trials and errors (some of which made the situation worse) and lots of sleepless nights doing research online trying to find products that worked. But with each struggle, I learned how to tackle not just the issues with my weight, skin and hair but how not to let my insecurities overcome me.

In sharing my personal experiences (the good, the bad and the ugly), I hope to influence African women everywhere on not just the best ways to step up their beauty game but to help them overcome their insecurities and boost their confidence…..

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