Speaking of sleep…did you know that persistently pressing your face into a pillow (especially if you are getting your eight hours) could cause trauma to your skin including permanent creases as our collagen breaks down? So to cut the long story short sleeping on your belly or side may actually cause wrinkles to form quicker.

From a wrinkle standpoint when you sleep on your back you have no unwanted forces pushing on your face. When sleeping on your back the skin & muscles in your face can sit in a neutral relaxed position. So you can try falling asleep on your back, but I think only vampires (sorry if this is your normal sleeping position lol) find it comfortable sleeping in this position. If you cant… it is suggested that you swap your cotton pillow (which is very absorbent and will rob your skin and hair of its natural oils) for satin or silk as they cause a lot less friction.

Beauty sleep pillows are also an option they are made with a special foam and have a unique shape which helps alleviate pressure on the face.

Also, pillowcases accumulate a buildup of residue, if you are acne-prone, you should try to wash your sheets once a week.

Till next time…….

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